I Shoot myself

美 [aɪ ʃuːt maɪˈself]英 [aɪ ʃuːt maɪˈself]
  • 网络阳性反应
I Shoot myselfI Shoot myself
  1. I 'd shoot myself before I apologized to her .


  2. I could always shoot myself .


  3. I will absolutely shoot you myself .


  4. I said that I would shoot myself if I don 't see her this weekend . I also told her that she is a sweet dear and that I can 't bear my life without her .


  5. Well , I had moments of despair when I intended to shoot myself , but in the end I decided to bring the mad woman back to Thornfield Hall , where nobody knew that we were married .


  6. Dahis : The biggest problem I have right now is that Fury is a goddamn retarded spec and I want to shoot myself in the face every time I play .


  7. Carl : I 'm just saying , if I see one more picture of Ed Begley , Jr. in that stupid electric car , I 'm gonna shoot myself !
